No, I'm not gonna talk about the movie.
The title refers to ME. Yes, Me, myself.
I should have (and plan to) graduate this August. But because of my BAD scores on Psychodiagnostic of Children. I won't be graduate on August. Unless my lectuer gives me an extra task, which is will be unfair to my friends.
Actually, i could be graduated on August, IF the passing grades weren't changing! I don't understand with the system in my campus. It changes just like that, on the middle of the term. What the fuck??? Come on! You can't just change the passing grades!! (Well, they can, because they're the authority).
So now, yes, I failed. Maybe some of you were questioning, "so what if you don't graduate this August? You still have another 2 years". I know that i still have extra 2 years. But i don't have skills to be proud of. I'm not like my brother or sister or my friends. The only thing that i could do to make my mother and family proud of me is i graduate on my 4th year.
Besides, i can't be a burden to my mother. She's 60 for godsake! She should be retired and enjoy her life! But no, she's still working, for what? For completing my needs (with a help from my brother and sister of course). I mean if i graduated on August, i could find a job, and at least with my brother and sister, help her with the households needs. But now, I can't do that. I have to wait for another 6 months until i can help her. Thanks to my lousy brain!
*maybe i can find part time job or something like that*
Sorry for my bad english.. :)