Thursday, 25 February 2010

When The Technology has intruded your life

Have you ever think about how different your life would be if there wasn't any technology in this world?

Today my WiFi router was broken down. I don't know what happened but it didn't work at all. I suddenly started to think, what if those people before us had never invented the telephone and all communication tools (internet is one of them)?

Back then, before we know something called "internet", we were fine, we could read, watch movies, hang out with friends, get closer to our families, etc. But now, after we know the communication tools which name is "internet", we're like an outsider from our relatives. We became too dependable with those internet things. And sometimes, we don't know which one is the reality and which one is not.

I'm not saying that internet is giving bad influence to our lifes. Internet gives us lots of positive things such as networking, long distance yet fast communication, get in touch with old friends, etc. All i'm saying is, we can't be too dependent to this thing. We need to realise that there's still this real world waiting for us to do something for it. Do something for ourself and for the people around us. Like nowadays, i can't finish the book that i've read since a year ago, i can't do my school work, i can't do the work-out thingy, etc. Maybe it's not completey the internets fault. Some part of it is my fault. I'm letting myself to be dependent to the internet. I'm letting myself to be intruded by the internet.

I don't know what's gonna happen when the internet all over the world was shut down. In my imagination, there would be some chaos on earth. Lol. Sounds funny when i write this, but might not be funny when it's happened :p.

Anyway.. I'm not gonna blame anybody who use internet too much and i'm not gonna blame the internet either. I'm just putting out these thought from my head.. :D So.. For you who read this, be cool to the internet, use it properly, and just remember, the reality is here for us and waiting for us to do something. :)

Have fun! :)

P.S. Sorry for the mistake on my writings. Still learning the English.. Be happy to correct it.. :D

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