Thursday, 12 May 2011

Thoughts In The Middle Of The Night


Tadi pas pulang, di bus naiklah seorang pengamen. Blablabla dia ngomong pembukaan, mulai ngegenjrenglah dia. Nyanyilah dia lagi "Ayah". For all this time, that song had no meaning for me. Baru setelah papa ga ada, tiap denger lagu itu, bawaannya jadi nyesek. Yea, it's been 4 years already, I know, life goes on and everything. Kadang-kadang klo inget papa juga ga selalu sedih sih. Kadang-kadang bisa jadi becandaan gue sama mama, teteh, sama aa. Cuma terkadang, klo emang gue lagi sendiri dan lagi kangen banget, bawaannya jadi pengen nangis. I'm not asking to be pitied or anything, cuma mau numpahin aja. Kata orang kan ngga boleh ditahan-tahan ya. Sedangkan klo gue cerita sama mama, takut mama nangis juga.

Anyway, Kemaren pas pulang naik bus, tiba-tiba ada bapak sama anak ceweknya (kayaknya dibawah gue sih umur anaknya) naik. Tiba-tiba gue keingetan, waktu pas gue lagi jalan-jalan sendirian di Kensington Park, ada bapak-bapak gitu lagi jalan sama anak ceweknya (sekitar 5 tahunan kayaknya). Kayaknya dia baru ngejemput anaknya dari sekolah. Gue jadi inget dulu waktu SMA gue selalu dianter papa ke sekolah, kadang papa ngejemput gue dari EF. Papa dulu ngebela-belain sampe kantor jam 7, tidur di mobil karena kantornya belom buka, biar bisa nganter gue dulu. Gue suka ngerasa bersalah deh, dulu gue kan ngantuk banget klo pagi, jadi gue tidur klo di mobil. I'm sorry pah.. :( A lot of things that I want him to know about my life now. About me graduating, having a job, about everything.

Kemaren ini, sebelum gue sidang, gue mimpi papa dateng ke sidang gue. Well, Wallahualam ya, kita ngga tau. Tapi gue cuma mau mikir klo itu emang papa dateng (diijinin sama Allah) buat ngasih semangat ke gue. A few days before I went to Tonjong just to have "a little talk" with him. Itu pertama kalinya dalam beberapa lama, tumpah semua disitu. Untung ngga ada siapa-siapa, jadi gue bisa bebas. I felt content afterwards. Terkadang gue pengen bisa "kabur" lagi bentar ke sana buat "ngobrol". It's been so long, Papa udah jarang dateng ke mimpi Neng lagi kan.. :( Please do "mampir" to my dream for a while, Pah.. Minta ijin bentar gitu sama Allah.. :p

Hah! Tumpah semua (udah semua ya? Kayak masih ada yang ganjel.. Ntar aja deh.. Hehehehe..). Goodnight everyone!

Me and The Kiddos

So.. Last week was my first week working as a Teacher (Yes, I'm a Teacher!!!!). A Pre-School Teacher Assistant to be exact. It's totally different than when I worked as a recruiter. I, officially, say that I don't fancy working in front of PC. In here, I meet a different kinds of children. From the easiest ones to the hardest ones. I also meet some good people and, well like mama and my friend said "welcome to the work life", not a very kind people. The most important (and the most precious) thing is, I can watch those kids laughing, shouting for answering questions, asking some amusing questions, and many more.

Anyway, before I forgot, in Nasional Montessori, there are 5 levels of class, Playgroup (1.5 - 2.5 years old); Toddler (2.5 -3 years old); Nursery (3-4 years old); Kindergarten (4-5 years old); Preparatory (5-6 years old). At the first week, I had a chance to join the Preparaoty Class. I joined there with 3 other teachers, teacher Leinz, teacher Hotma, and teacher Hilda. There are 20-is kids: Monica, Jolly, Alliyah (Ally), William, Rueben, Zoey, Jossie, Ashley, Cliff, Isabelle, Kei, Carlsson, Joshua (the most handsome kid), Caroline, Josh, Nicholas, Rainier, Nicole, Georgia, Zachary, and another one I forgot his name (sorry kiddo!). They're, in average, 4-5 y.o.

I got confused at first, but thanks to them, I could interact with them easily. There's this one kid, William, he's the first one that asking my name and then suddenly, some of the kids, knew my name. Thank you William! They're very smart. When we're (teacher Leinz was at the front) discussing about the Solar System, Rueben asked "teacher, what makes us all 6 years old??" Teacher Leinz and I were smilling (holding our laugh). There was this one day, when she asked them to describe about Isabelle (oh, she's Ayu Azhari and Mike Tramps daughter, her brother, Lennon is in here too, he's in the baby class, I'll tell you about him later), Joshua (that handsome kid) said "Isabelle is.... pretty" and he sits and blushed. So CUTEEEE!!!! >_<

At the second week, which is this week, I join the kindergarten class. There are 10 kids or so here: Charlene, Rafael, Kenzie, Dea (She's Zacharys sister), Farah, Anthony, Diego, Jeff, Liam, Shana, Cayden, Angie, Elaine. On monday (my first day), they kept looking at me like I was an alien or something. But after that, these past 3 days, we can get along very well. :D In this class, I join teacher Madhu and teacher Feany. At first, these kids were so quite. But then, they start shouting while answering questions. Lol. I know it's kinda annoying and they need to be stopped, but it's just funny seeing them like that. :p

I also try the baby class (playgroup and toddler) and the nursery for a few times. In the baby class, there are some kids that I fancy a lot: Calvin (he's Carlssons brother), Ezel, and Malik (this one is everyones favorite, he's Farahs Brother). I'll get their pictures next time. So, Calvin is the first kid that interacts with me from the first time. He smiled when I came to him while he's eating his breakfast, taking pictures of me with his babysitters phone, etc. And there's Ezel! I love him when he's doing a bow in front of the class. So, in the baby class, each time teacher Gloria say (for example, "The Solar System"), the kids must follow with a bow and say "Bow". Ezel does it very funny! He's nudging his and with smiling and say "bauww", and teacher Glo repeating it millions of times. Lol. And... Malik!!! OMG! He's soooooooo cute!!! He's like a small snowman with a bold eyebrow!! >_<. At the Nursery, I haven't known the kids yet. I only helped teacher Liana to look after the two kids (I forgot their names) while they're coloring some pictures.

They're going to have a graduation day on June 4th. I'm helping the teachers making hats and sticks for the kids' performance. So, after 12pm, it's cutting and glue-ing time! :p

I think that's all my story for now. I was just summing up my story because I was too tired to write them. I'm enjoying my work now. Some people can say that they love what they're doing, but not doing what they love or vice versa. But for me, I'm doing what I love and I, Definitely, Love what I'm doing!
